Imagine you posted a job online – and after a few weeks of waiting – your dream candidate’s resume comes across. He or she breezes through several rounds of interviews, you make a job offer and the candidate accepts. The deal is almost done, except for one important step – an employment background check.
If you’re like 95% of other employers in the United States, you conduct one or more types of employment background checks before making an official hire. The vast majority of employers who work with background screening companies such as Barada Associates ask for a candidate’s educational and employment history, references, and criminal history to be checked and verified.
After going through a long and exhausting hiring process, it can be extremely disappointing for both the candidate and the employer when an offer falls through because of a failed background check, but it happens every day across the country. In our most recent blog, the background screening professionals at Barada Associates discuss some of the most common reasons a candidate fails a background check.
Reporting Background Checks and Findings to Companies
Third-party employment screening companies conduct background checks based on the type of information employers are looking for. However, not all background checks are the same. Some companies request a full background check, while others may want just a candidate’s job history and criminal records to be looked into.
An employee background check company such as Barada Associates reports its findings to its clients’ human resources department for them to make a hiring decision. It’s important to note that companies treat the information they receive differently. Some companies, for example, may hire a candidate even though there were some negative findings on the background check report, while other companies may choose not to hire the employee.
We encourage companies to have a written policy stating procedures and expectations for employment at the company. That way companies won’t make decisions on a case-by-case basis, and, instead, have documents to provide job applicants with the expectations the business has regarding hiring candidates.
What Could Cause a Job Candidate to Fail a Background Check?
Although it’s not always clear why a potential employer ultimately chooses not to hire a candidate based on an applicant’s background check, here are some of the most common reasons.
Discrepancies on their resumes
If a candidate lied about something significant on their resume or job application, there’s a good chance it will be uncovered during a background check. Some of the most common discrepancies uncovered include lying about a college degree or certification, a job title, employment dates and technical skills. Even if the lie was minor, it can still cost candidates opportunities because lying and misrepresentation can leave a bad taste in a hiring manager’s mouth.
Criminal record
In regards to criminal history, many employers will look over most misdemeanors or minor crimes that occurred a long time ago, or people who aren’t repeat offenders and are trying to bounce back from a criminal conviction. Extensive criminal histories, though, may factor more heavily in a hiring decision. Hiring people with criminal pasts often depends on the industry.
Failed drug test
Most job offers are contingent on passing a drug exam. Companies often exclude candidates who fail drug tests. Because marijuana is legal to some capacity in more than half of the states, it’s important to follow state laws regarding whether a candidate can be barred from being hired if they use medical marijuana or if they live in a state where marijuana is legal for recreational use.
Poor credit history
It’s important to note that most employers and industries do not include credit checks within the overall background report. This is typically reserved for job candidates in the financial sector, high-level executives and people who work for government agencies and might be in charge of handling public funds. If you have us perform a credit history check, ensure that you follow the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which has specific regulations governing employment background checks.
Poor driving record
A driving record can turn up violations such as speeding tickets and crimes including DUIs or hit-and-run accidents. These records can be incredibly useful for companies hiring full-time drivers or job openings in which driving is a significant part of the responsibilities. For some positions, poor driving history can keep a job seeker from getting the job they’ve applied for.
Education history
According to the FBI, the second most common misinterpretation on resumes and job applications is education history. Lying about academic achievements can discredit a candidate as being dishonest. Perhaps, even more importantly, some positions require a certain amount of training, certification, or education to verify the candidate has the necessary knowledge for the job. Employee background checks can uncover whether the candidate has the education history he or she says they do to help make informed hiring decisions.
Contact Barada Associates for Extensive Background Screening Reports
At Barada Associates, our job isn’t to tell you when to hire or not hire a candidate, but to provide you with all of the information you need to make an accurate hiring decision. For more information about our services, or to request a free 15-minute consultation, contact Barada Associates today.