There are many steps during a company’s hiring process – writing the job description, reviewing applications and conducting interviews. But one of the most important steps that human resource departments should never forget is the background check. Extensive screenings help companies find the right talent while promoting a safe environment for customers, employees and society as a whole.
Make sure to hire a reputable background screening company to administer your company’s background checks. Founded in 1979, Barada Associates is one of the nation’s oldest and most trusted providers of background checks. Barada utilizes a wide variety of pre-employment background check services to ensure companies make smart hiring decisions. Contact Barada today for a free consultation or to request a quote.
The Number of Background Checks Continue to Rise
The number of employers that are screening job applicants continues to rise across the U.S. Ninety percent of companies reported screening new hires in 2020, compared to 86% the year before and 83% in 2017. Numbers have increased even more for part-time workers, contractors, volunteers and vendors, according to a recent survey sponsored by the Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA).
Eight-three percent of part-time job candidates were screened in 2020, compared to 67% the year before, while background checks for contractors or temporary workers spiked to 59% in 2020, compared to 28% just two years before.
Why Are Background Screenings Increasing?
According to the PBSA study, a few reasons could be driving the increase in background screenings.
Gig economy
A “gig economy” – as this labor market is commonly referred to in recent years – is characterized by companies who frequently hire non-traditional, full-time employees for short-term contracts or freelance work. Those positions can also be referred to as temporary workers, contract firm workers or independent contractors. Since these companies hire many workers in a short period of time, it’s important to run background checks on them to ensure they have the qualifications the employer is looking for and are a good fit for the company.
Employers Want More Information
Employers are looking for more information than ever before during the hiring and recruitment process, aside from just criminal checks. Some of the additional information companies seek include employment verification, social media searches, credit reports and professional license verification.
More Furloughed Employees
During the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of American have been furloughed, laid off or working from home. Since several months can pass before workers return to the office, it’s a good idea to run a background check, primarily to see if they’ve been arrested or charged with any crimes during this period.
What Does A Good Background Check Include?
It’s important to hire a reputable company such as Barada Associates to perform background checks for your business. To ensure quality hires, companies must implement comprehensive background checks that include:
- Employment verification
- Academic verification
- Criminal history checks
- Drug and alcohol testing
- Professional skills and cognitive assessments
Contact Barada Associates for Your Company’s Background Screening
Barada Associates was founded in 1979 as one of the nation’s first employment screening businesses. Over the decades, we’ve developed a reputation as the premier provider of reference checks.
Our goal is to help companies find the right talent while creating a safe work environment for employees and customers. To learn more about Barada Associates and the type of background checks we provide, or to request a quote, contact us today!