As we wrap up our discussion of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), here are some links and resources from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for those who want to learn more about federal anti discrimination laws.
Per the EEOC, the agency is “…responsible for enforcing federal laws that make it illegal to discriminate against a job applicant or an employee because of the person’s race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability, or genetic information. The EEOC investigates, conciliates, and mediates charges of employment discrimination and also files lawsuits in the public interest.”
To learn more, visit or call the EEOC toll free at 800/669-4000.
The EEOC offers specific information on the following topics:
- Pre-employment medical inquiries;
- Medical inquiries during employment;
- Genetic inquiries, including inquiries about family medical history;
- EEOC record-keeping requirements;
- Using arrest and conviction records to make employment decisions;
- Whether arrest and conviction records act as an automatic bar to all employment;
- Background on the EEOC for small businesses.
Under the EEOC’s Federal Trade Commission heading, even more specific information is available:
- Using Consumer Reports: What Employers Need to Know;
- The Fair Credit Reporting Act & social media: What businesses should know;
- Background screening reports and the FCRA: Just saying you’re not a consumer reporting agency isn’t enough;
- Reentry Myth Buster: Criminal Histories and Employment Background Checks.
Even if you have no specific questions, it’s a good idea to scan the available information on the EEOC’s site.