The hiring process can be long and tedious at times. This can seem true not just for the candidate desperately seeking a job, but also for a company and the hiring manager that has several open positions that need to be filled immediately. Determining how long the hiring process shouldn’t be a guessing game.
The background screening professionals at Barada Associates explore how long the average hiring process takes and what negative factors contribute to the length of time that goes into filling a position. We also consider the risks of poor hiring practices both for the hiring manager and for candidates seeking a dream job. Finally, we consider solutions including how hiring a reputable background-checking company to perform screenings can significantly improve the speed of the hiring process.
What Is the Average Length of the Hiring Process?
The average length of the hiring process in the United States is approximately 23 days, according to a study from Glassdoor Economic Research. Drawing data on respondents for all jobs provides some insight but many hiring managers take much longer to fill positions. Depending on the industry and the type of position, the time from job posting to a job offer is dramatically different.
For example, jobs at restaurants typically only take an average of 10 days to fill, while a government job might take as long as 53 days to fill, according to Glassdoor. The speed of hiring can also be primarily affected by the area in which you live. Workers in Kansas City, MO, report an average job interview process of 16.9 days, while Washington D.C. has an average hiring time of 33.2 days, largely because of the large number of government jobs.
Why Can the Hiring Process Take so Long in Some Cases?
In some industries, though, the hiring process – from job interview to job offer – can seem long and create a sense of unease in candidates. A few reasons job seekers experience a long delay after a job interview include:
- The hiring manager is planning on interviewing several candidates as they hope to find the perfect candidate for the job opening.
- A key decision-maker on the hiring team is on vacation or traveling for work, or there are several people involved in the final decision-making process.
- Employers are taking more time vetting job seekers, as the cost of an ill-advised hire can cost a company thousands of dollars.
- You were one of the first candidates interviewed, and there are several more interviews scheduled with other candidates.
- The job was temporarily put on hold.
- There’s a large pool of qualified candidates.
- Multiple job interviews.
- Background checking job candidates.
This waiting game is not simply stressful for potential employees. For hiring managers and companies of all sizes, a poorly defined hiring process often means the best candidate is lost to another company. The hiring process including interviews and follow up allows a company to make a good impression. When there is a long silence after an application is submitted or between interviews, a potential candidate may form a poor impression of your culture. When companies are growing a clearly defined practice of hiring is necessary to reduce effort, improve efficiency and hire the best talent.
How COVID-19 Has Affected the Hiring Process
It’s important to note that the longer it takes an employer to make a hiring decision has shortened recently in some areas of the country due to COVID-19, which caused many workers to rethink their careers, long-term goals and work conditions. Although some industries haven’t been affected as much as others, COVID-19 has made a lasting impact on the job front. As many employers across a wide range of industries scramble to fill jobs in a new landscape, there is more urgency to optimize the work for hiring managers.
Specifically, bypassing steps is highly detrimental to the long-term health of an organization. Companies should never skip background checks even when the demand for employees is high, as this can lead to subpar hires and can present safety issues for your company and employees. Instead improving human resource practice and empowering hiring managers with clearly defined standards helps employers navigate hiring in challenging circumstances.
How Background Checks Affect the Hiring Process
A key example of improving workflow without sacrificing quality is outsourcing background screenings. When human resource departments attempt to handle background checks in-house, or work with several vendors, it can significantly slow down the job search process. The work of human resource specialists and hiring managers is to prospect for the best candidates and move them through the hiring process as quickly as possible. Background screening requires a unique skillset often outside of hiring managers’ training and knowledge. However, when you work with a credible background screening company such as Barada Associates, companies access a team of specialists. In fact, we can often have a complete background check in as little as 48 hours.
A professional background screening company such as Barada Associates ensures all of the required documentation and information to produce a full background check is collected and completed. You can immediately access the results of the background check through our gated and secure portal.
Optimizing the Hiring Process
Outsourcing background checks is just one way companies can find better talent quickly. Creating a clear plan for finding talent gives you an edge over competitors hiring within your industry. Consider all stages from posting a job opening to extending a job offer.
- Job Posting – Invest effort in the initial process by providing the most detail about the opening. Including the exact prerequisites helps eliminate poorly qualified candidates.
- Vetting Applicants – This process should include the hiring manager so only the most suited applicants are contacted for initial interviews.
- Interview Process – Create a clear process and inform all candidates of the process. This may include a phone interview, virtual interviews, an in-person interview and a final interview. Whatever process your company uses, define each stage and set the expectations with all hiring managers and teams. Time is often wasted due to delays in scheduling follow-up interviews.
- Hiring Team – If multiple people are included in the process, there should be clearly defined responsibilities including scheduling dates and times well in advance of busy managers and executives. Poor internal management leads to time waste and a long wait for highly talented candidates.
The ultimate goal for small and big companies is to get more candidates than new job openings. This is a sign of healthy human resources. When you build a strong framework for finding the best applicants, hiring decisions are faster, smarter and act in the long-term best interest of your organization.
Contact Barada Associates for Reliable Background Check Services
Given the type of job, the industry and the changing job landscape, it can be difficult to determine how long the hiring process can take. Barada Associates helps companies save time and fill their new position faster. One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to keep the hiring process on track is to hire a reputable background screening service at Barada Associates. For more information about our services or to request a quote, contact us today.