Applicant Disclosure & Release Form
This 2-page release MUST be signed by every applicant BEFORE you place an order for any employment report including Reference Reports, Verifications or Background Checks. It must remain a stand-alone” document and may not be combined with other forms or applications.
A Summary of Your Rights (Consumer)
This is a 4-page informational document that explains the applicant’s rights under the FCRA. It MUST be given to every applicant along with the Applicant Disclosure and Release.
Applicant Information Form
The fields in this document correspond to the fields you will be completing online when you place an order for Academic Verifications, Employment Verifications, Professional License, or Reference Reports. The Applicant is not required to complete this form, but you may find it is a useful tool and that the format facilitates online order entry.
Client Set-Up Documents
This document must be executed, signed, and returned to us by fax (877/576-2806) or mail (130 East Second Street, Rushville, IN 46173) prior to activating an account.
New Client Packet
A collection of documents outlining compliance obligations for users of Barada services. Barada clients should download and retain these documents.
Notice to Users of Consumer Reports
This 5-page informational document explains why we have the Client User Certification and sets out your obligations as a user of reports along with our obligations as a seller of reports under the FCRA. You may keep it for your records.