Celebrating 40 Years In Business

HRIS/ATS Integration Services/Capabilities

HRIS and ATS Integration

Most companies use an online applicant tracking system (ATS) or human resource information system (HRIS) as a convenient tool to manage information about job openings and candidates. An ATS allows human resources departments to access candidate information, including resumes and job applications, from one simple repository. They’re incredibly convenient. HR professionals use this software to make hiring decisions from their desktop computers, laptops, or smart devices – from anywhere.

Companies that want to make the best hiring decisions and find candidates that have the skill sets and qualifications for the job often rely on an ATS and a background screening service such as Barada Associates. Instead of separating these two great hiring tools, you can marry them together by allowing Barada Associates to integrate your company’s background screening services with your current ATS or HRIS. Keep reading to learn more about how ATS integration for background screening can improve efficiencies and reduce time.

How Does ATS Integration for Background Screenings Work?

Unfortunately, background checking services are often the one critical piece of the hiring process that lives outside of a company’s ATS. Background checks are a crucial component of the hiring process. They help to ensure your company hires trusted and qualified candidates that meet your company’s needs and culture while helping to avoid poor hiring decisions.

Most companies are multi-tasking by managing two systems at once – one system for their background screening service and the ATS for everything else. It doesn’t have to be this hard.

Barada Associates can integrate our background screening reports into most of the leading ATS and HRIS solutions. It’s important to note, though, that you shouldn’t hire a background screening company just because they offer a solution that can already integrate with your ATS. If we do not already have an existing integration with your current hiring management software, it’s very easy for us to build a secure bridge to link our system to yours.

Integrating background reports with your current ATS allows you to conveniently access a candidate’s information including resumes, profiles, and background reports in one easy-to-find location.

When a background report is finished, it is automatically uploaded into your company’s ATS, and you’ll receive an email notification. Upon opening the report, you’ll see a flag pop up if there are inaccuracies or other noteworthy items to consider about the candidate that to light during the background screening. Barada Associates takes its level a step further than our competition by reviewing reports that are flagged.

What Are the Benefits of ATS Integration for Background Screening Checks?

Companies of all sizes can benefit from integrating their background checks into their current hiring management system. They include:

Streamlining the Process

Jumping back and forth between two systems may not seem like a big time saver, but it can really add up over the course of a year if you’re managing hundreds of candidates for dozens of positions. You can streamline the hiring process and save valuable time by managing all of a candidate’s information in one convenient place and avoiding having to manually enter background screening information into your current ATS.

Improving Accuracy

Compared to manually entering information into an ATS, an integrated system can reduce the chance of costly errors. Integrating your ATS and background checking services is typically more accurate and reliable.

Quicker Turnaround

Manual checks can slow down the hiring process. Reduce time to hire by automating background screening checks into your current ATS or HRIS.

Contact Barada Associates to Learn More about ATS Integration

Integrating your company’s background screening services into your ATS can help reduce costs, save time, and reduce the chance of errors. Reach out to Barada Associates to learn more about our background screening services and how we can integrate background checks into your hiring management systems.

Founded in 1979, Barada Associates was one of the nation’s first background screening companies. Over the decades, we’ve grown into the most trusted and reliable provider of pre-employment background checks in the country. Contact us today for a free estimate or to schedule an appointment.