Employment verification is the single most important background check a business can perform on job applicants.
This type of background screening takes place during the hiring process and involves the fact-checking of a job candidate’s employment information into an employment data report. In most states, employment verification is completely legal. Many government agencies even encourage employment verification for their employees.
As with most background screening services, potential employees are often notified by their potential employers when employment verification is being conducted and that employers may use private screening professionals or a consumer reporting agency to do so.
Overall, the purpose of this screening is to ensure the current or previous employers a candidate claims to have are accurate. This way, you can properly vet a candidate before making a job offer, optimizing your ability to hire qualified candidates.
What Does Employment Verification Consist Of?
The information included in such a background check from Barada Associates goes well beyond the basics of a candidate’s employment history. Our verified employment documents may help employers confirm:
- Start and end dates of employment
- Job title(s) held
- Salary
- Job duties or description
- Reason for termination or leaving the company
It’s important to note that employment and income information are not the same and several states have laws restricting salary history checks that could limit some of the insights included in an employment history report.
How Long Can Employment History Checks Take?
While employment history checks are extremely beneficial, many employers decide to skip this crucial step in the job application process because they fear it will cause delays. This is especially true for companies that frequently need to on-board new personnel quickly.
At Barada Associates, we understand this sense of urgency and make your desired timeline our top priority. We can turn an employment verification request around in about 48 hours on average. When a more elaborate applicant profile is requested, our team of interviewers can provide a professional reference check to accompany the employment verification. While this additional step may take longer, it can provide you with even more confidence and insight into the information the candidate provided.