
Background Checks

Earlier this year Will Barada invited the members of his leadership forum to contribute articles for this blog that might be of interest to our readers from the HR and recruiting industries. This post, by Bob Baird, is the fourth in that contributed series.


Doing business in a world of high volume employment or high employee turnover where every employee requires some level of background screening, can mean time consuming and monotonous work. But thanks to process automation, it doesn’t have to.

While there is rarely a one-size fits all solution to automating background screening as it applies to your hiring processes, there is most likely a way for you to streamline your background screening process with automation.

The main goal of automation, is to remove as many ‘hand off’ points as possible because each ‘hand off’ represents lost time and a potential for lost or corrupted data, therefore, an automated process should be as simplistic as possible. However, we do know that at times, things can get much more complicated. A good automation consultant would be able to assist with even the most complex of scenarios.

Of course it sounds beneficial to reduce the number of ‘hand offs’ in your daily operations, but how do you measure the impact that an automated process would make to your business? Is it really worth the investment? The answer is, yes, because errors and omissions are expensive, time-consuming manual processes can eat up valuable man hours costing money, and outpacing your competition with a quicker automated process is a market advantage

If you would like to know more about how the custom development process works, check out our Custom Software Guide. It will provide you with an overview of how we figure out where to start, how you and your company will be involved in the process, and what the ‘finish’ looks like.

However, if you’re interested in getting a more personal explanation, we are always happy to help educate people about their options. Please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!

Bob Baird
Inverse-Square, LLC
212 West 10th Street, Suite A400
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202