

If an employer plans to do a thorough background of any kind, especially a reference check, every candidate must sign a waiver. This waiver grants the prospective employer or their agents express permission to perform a check and contact references.

Why is a signed waiver so important? Without a candidate’s permission, you could face an invasion of privacy charge. Furthermore, failing to inform the candidate of his/her rights could also violate the Fair Credit Reporting Act’s (FCRA) provisions.

When you need an experienced background screening partner, turn to Barada Associates. Since 1979, we’ve facilitated countless background checks for companies in diverse industries across the U.S. We’re experts in all things background screening, including the legality of checking references and other more nuanced aspects of reviewing a candidate’s professional and personal history.

Contact us today for a consultation to learn how we can optimize your hiring process, and read on to learn more about why a signed background check waiver is required.

What is a Background Check Waiver?

A background check waiver is a legal document that a candidate signs to give explicit permission to a potential employer or a third-party background screening firm, such as Barada Associates, to conduct a comprehensive review of their personal, educational, and professional history.

This waiver is necessary because it authorizes the employer to verify various aspects of a candidate’s background, such as employment history, criminal records, education credentials, and credit reports.

What Does a Background Check Waiver Consist of?

A background check waiver is a straightforward document. It typically includes the following elements:

  • Candidate Information: This section collects basic details about the candidate, such as their full name, date of birth, and social security number, ensuring accurate identification.
  • Consent Statement: The waiver has a dedicated space provided for a clear statement where the candidate provides explicit consent for the background check to be conducted, acknowledging their understanding of the process and its implications.
  • Scope of Background Check: It outlines the specific types of background checks that will be conducted, such as criminal history, employment verification, credit history, or education verification.
  • Release of Liability: The waiver may include a clause releasing the employer from liability for any information and report obtained through the background check process and its subsequent use in the hiring decision.
  • Signature and Date: Finally, the candidate must sign and date the waiver, indicating their voluntary agreement to the terms outlined therein.

By including these elements in a background check waiver, your company can successfully meet all legal standards.

Why Do I Need to Get a Signed Waiver?

Obtaining a signed background check waiver is essential for several reasons, primarily centered around legal compliance.

Written authorization in the form of a waiver ensures compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Under the FCRA, employers must inform candidates about the nature and scope of the background check being conducted. By having candidates sign a waiver, employers fulfill this requirement, reducing the risk of legal repercussions for privacy violations.

The signed waiver also protects employers from potential legal issues related to privacy invasion and unauthorized information gathering. Without explicit consent from the candidate, conducting a background check could constitute a breach of privacy laws and expose the employer to lawsuits or fines.

Additionally, obtaining a signed waiver fosters transparency in the hiring process. It demonstrates to candidates that their information will be handled responsibly and ethically, enhancing their confidence in your organization’s integrity. This transparency builds trust between you and candidates, setting a positive tone for the employment relationship from the outset.

A signed background check waiver is not just a formality but a necessary step in your hiring process. Barada Associates can help you obtain consent from job applicants and conduct a background check that honors and respects their privacy, while also informing your hiring decisions. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and get a free quote.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is a federal law designed to regulate the collection, dissemination, and use of consumer credit information by consumer reporting agencies.

Enacted to promote the accuracy, fairness, and privacy of information contained in the files of consumer reporting agencies, the FCRA governs various aspects of credit reporting, including background checks for employment purposes. It mandates that employers provide candidates with a clear disclosure about the nature and scope of any background check being conducted, ensuring transparency and fairness in the employment screening process.

Compliance with the FCRA is essential for employers to avoid legal liabilities and uphold the rights of candidates in the hiring process.

Types of Background Checks that Require a Background Check Authorization Form

Several types of background checks necessitate a background check authorization form to ensure legal compliance in the hiring process. These include:

  • Criminal Background Checks
  • Credit History Checks
  • Employment Verification
  • Education Verification or Academic Verification
  • Reference Checks
  • Driving Record Checks

Each of these background checks requires explicit authorization from the candidate to access their personal information and conduct the necessary investigations. Barada Associates specializes in each of these types of background screenings and more. Contact us to implement these important steps with your next hire.

What Else Can I Do To Learn About a Candidate’s Background?

Before any sort of background checks or reference checks are done, your hiring team should be at a point with the prospective candidate that they are aware they are being seriously considered for employment, and they have expressed mutual interest in the position.

By this point, you would have conducted interviews and had conversations that hopefully gave you some idea or laid a foundation of understanding of the candidate’s qualifications, background, and character. Before you get to the point of a formal background screening, here are some informal ways you can get to know a candidate that doesn’t require a signed form.

Conduct Informative Interviews

Schedule meetings or interviews with the candidate to discuss their career aspirations, motivations, and experiences. These conversations can provide valuable insights into their personality, communication skills, and cultural fit within your organization.

Ask Behavioral Interview Questions

During formal interviews, use behavioral interview questions to delve into specific examples of the candidate’s past behavior and actions. This approach helps assess their problem-solving abilities, decision-making skills, and alignment with your company’s values.

Seek Professional Recommendations

When you start to get close to the background check stage, you’ll want to do some preparation on your end, such as requesting references. When requesting a reference, we recommend getting at least 3 professional references. Professional references include former employers, colleagues, supervisors, or employees. Always opt for professional references over personal references, such as friends or family.

By incorporating these additional steps into your hiring process, you can gather a more comprehensive understanding of a candidate’s background, capabilities, and suitability for the position. Remember, thorough due diligence is key to making informed hiring decisions and building a successful team, which is why background screening is an important cherry on top of your information-gathering stage.

What Recourse Do Candidates Have if They Don’t Sign a Waiver and I Perform a Background Check?

If a candidate refuses to sign a background check waiver, proceeding with a background check without their explicit consent can lead to legal complications.

Candidates have the right to privacy and control over their personal information under various state and federal laws. Conducting a background check without their consent may violate these regulations and expose you to potential legal liabilities. It’s crucial to obtain signed waivers to ensure compliance with legal requirements and respect candidates’ rights throughout the hiring process.

If a candidate refuses to cooperate with any stage or aspect of your hiring track, it may be a sign that they’re not a good fit for your company, even if they interviewed well and had a favorable resume. In the end, it’s better to move on to candidates who will sign a waiver than open your team up to the negative risks associated with hiring without a background check.

Contact Barada Associates Today

Ready to optimize your hiring process with comprehensive background screening services? Get in touch with Barada Associates today.

Our experienced team specializes in providing thorough and accurate background checks tailored to your specific needs. Whether you’re hiring for a small business or a large corporation, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t let uncertainties in your hiring decisions hold your business back. Contact us now to schedule your consultation and get a quote on specific services.